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Find all our School Closure resources and updates on Instagram and Facebook: bit.ly/Follow52ndStreet
Estimadas familias
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Encuentre todos nuestros recursos y acutalizaciones de cierre de escuelas en Instagram y Facebook: bit.ly/Follow52nd Street
School sites may be closed, but by clicking here you can:
- Enroll your student for the 中国怎么上ins 19-20 school year for At-Home Learning.
The LAUSD expects all students to maintain a 96% or better attendance rate (missing fewer than 7 days in one school year)
All students should have a signed photo release form on file. Click here if you need one and return it to your child's teacher!
Do you need to update your child's emergency card?
Click here for English.
Click here for Spanish.
Recursos de Aprendizaje a Distancia
Please see the grade level links above to access learning resources while school is closed. Also, please be reminded students have access to Clever.com which houses applications students frequently use in school.
Consulte los enlaces de cada grado para acceder recursos de aprendizaje mientras la escuela está cerrada. Además, recuerde que los estudiantes tienen acceso a Clever.com, que alberga las aplicaciones que los estudiantes usan con frecuencia en la escuela.
Staff Directory: How To Contact Your Child's Teacher During School Closure
Directorio escolar: Cómo contactar al maestro de su hijo durante el cierre de la escuela